on Go Read Your Lunch

Eric had a short story, “Chindi,” published on Go Read Your Lunch, a literary journal of prose featuring a new story every Monday that is just long enough to read on your lunch break. “Chindi” involves a Navajo policeman and his troubled brother, who’s possessed by their father’s ghost.
You can read the rest of the short story in its entirety for free online here. Go Read Your Lunch pays its authors, so if you like the story, please feel free to pitch them some pocket change.
It starts out:
Labor Day weekend, I was following a line of seven cars coming from Tuba City, all hugging fenders, climbing a hill. It’s dark out here, so I don’t blame them—probably darker than they’ve ever seen. On the reservation roads you can be right next to a town and never see it because of a mesa in between. And the starlight just doesn’t add up. The earth stays black. That’s how it is all across the Nation, but everything seemed darker in my home district now that I was back. Three months running familiar roads, arresting guys I grew up with. Watching them get consumed by the place. Not that that’s unique to Dineh. Our homes eat most of us eventually.
You can read the rest of the short story in its entirety for free online here. Go Read Your Lunch pays its authors, so if you like the story, please feel free to pitch them some pocket change.