When: Friday, September 5, 2014
Where: Malvern Books, 613 W 29th St, Austin, TX 78705 [Map]

Time: 7 p.m.
What: Reading and signing with special guest authors Lauren Becker (author of If I Would Leave Myself Behind), Vincent Scarpa, and Ray Shea. Free event.
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Lauren Becker is editor of Corium Magazine. Her work has appeared in Tin House (online), Los Angeles Review, Necessary Fiction, Alice Blue Review, and elsewhere. Her book of short fiction, If I Would Leave Myself Behind, was released in June by Curbside Splendor. She lives in Austin, Texas.
Vincent Scarpa is a James Michener Fellow in fiction at the University of Texas Austin. His stories and essays have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Austin Review, The Baltimore Review, and other journals. He is the host of the podcast Two Birds One Stoned with the writer Jess Stoner, and tweets at @vincentscarpa.
A native of Boston and New Orleans and a graduate of Rice University, Ray Shea has lived in Austin for most of the last two decades. His writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Hobart, apt, Sundog Lit, Fourteen Hills, and elsewhere. His essay, “Forensic Biography and the Art of the Screenwriter,” was recently a finalist for the Phoebe 2014 Annual Creative Nonfiction Award judged by Cheryl Strayed. He is currently at work on a collection of personal essays and a book-length memoir about fatherhood, violence, addiction, and memory, and writes poetry in his spare time.
See the full Fall 2014 Tour here!